6 Ways To Change Your State Instantly

How To Switch Your Mindset

Do you wish you could stop your negative train of thought and flip it so you can go back to being productive, and happy, instantly? If you learn to change your state, you can do just that.

Right off the bat, I’m going to let you know, this isn’t an original idea. Tony Robbins is a big advocate of changing your state to improve your day or mindset at the moment and put you on the right path.

Aside from him, there are many others who talk about doing similar things.

When I first heard Tony talking about it, I loved it and realized I was already doing something very similar (which we’ll talk about).

Once I started referring to it as “changing your state” though, it made me think of it in a different way. I was now more consciously aware of what I was doing. This helped greatly.

Thanks, Tony Robbins.

how to change your mood, growth mindset, show to stop negative thoughts, grateful words, self improvement

What Does It Mean To “Change Your State”?

Simply put, changing your state refers to shifting your emotional, mental, and physiological condition to a more positive one. 

Your state is essentially how you feel at any moment, and it’ll affect your thoughts, behaviours, and decision-making.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, your life is essentially a compilation of decisions. As you can imagine, for that reason, I’m a big advocate for changing your state.

How Can We Change Our State?

Change Your Physiology

This might be the easiest thing to do that will immediately change your state. 

Movement - Go for a run, jump up and down, or go work out. Whatever you choose, just get your body moving and your blood pumping.

Posture - It’s a lot easier to feel good about yourself, and be confident when you’re standing up straight. Tony Robbins suggests standing like Superman with your hands on your hips. You’ll pump testosterone through your body and your mood will change.

Breathing - I love breathwork. Many people don’t realize how long they hold their breath when they’re angry, focused or just anytime in their everyday life. Take a moment to breathe deeply, or even better, to do a few rounds of the Wim Hof Method.

how to change your mood, growth mindset, show to stop negative thoughts, grateful words, self improvement

Cold shower

My favourite thing to do after a workout, or right in the morning. 

When you take a cold shower your body shoots dopamine throughout to help cope with the cold. That means when you come out, you feel pretty damn happy! 

There are also numerous other benefits to cold showers too! 

This is one of the things I was already doing before I heard Tony Robbins talk about it. It’s also one of the most effective methods to change your state.

how to change your mood, growth mindset, show to stop negative thoughts, grateful words, self improvement

Change your language, overly positive words

By actively switching out negative words, for positive words, your state will change. You will become happier on a regular basis and have a more positive outlook. 

On top of that, change positive words for even more positive words. 

What do I mean by that? 

Instead of saying good, say fantastic. Talk like Trump, literally.

how to change your mood, growth mindset, show to stop negative thoughts, grateful words, self improvement

Reframe Your Thoughts

If you’re in a negative headspace it could just be how you are framing your thoughts. 

I’ll use something I do as an example.

I’m driving in my car and I’m upset that I have to drive my SUV, instead of the Porsche I used to own. Instead, I switch it to, “I’m glad I have a car to drive so I don’t have to ride the bus”, or, “thank god I have an SUV, my old Porsche would get wrecked on these potholes.” 

There is always a positive way to frame your thoughts.

how to change your mood, growth mindset, show to stop negative thoughts, grateful words, self improvement

Practice Gratitude & Visualization, Feel It

Close your eyes and go through what you are grateful for, the present and the future. Let me explain. 

What do you have at this moment you are thankful for? Family, a home, friends, a girlfriend, a job, etc. Really feel it though. 

When you are doing this practice you want to feel how grateful you are in your heart. That’s what changes your state. 

You can do the same practice when being grateful for the future. 

Visualize what you want to happen, and be grateful for it happening. Feel it as if it has already happened. 

You want that promotion? You want a new house or a new car? Feel what it would feel like to get that. It’ll change your state.

how to change your mood, growth mindset, show to stop negative thoughts, grateful words, self improvement

Model Successful people

This is something I love doing. Look at what successful people are doing, specifically those who are doing what you want to be doing. They will always have insights on habits, or techniques they use to keep them going or keep them in the right mindset. 

This is why I love Tim Ferriss and the concept of life hacks. There are endless sources of knowledge out there.

how to change your mood, growth mindset, show to stop negative thoughts, grateful words, self improvement

Do it daily, life is constant growth.

However you decide to change your state is in your hands, but remember, you’re going to have to do it regularly. It’s not something where after doing it a few times, your state is permanently changed. 

Life is constant growth. If you don’t own your environment, it will own you, so take control of your life, and shape it the way you want to. 

Practicing changing your state daily will make your life exponentially better over time. Remember, compound interest adds up. If you improve by 1% a day, you’ll be surprised how far you can get in a year.

And lastly, only you can choose what you feel. 

If someone says something that upset you, it is your choice to let it continue to upset you, or change your state. You control your body, you control your emotions, and you control how you feel. 

Practice keeping control and life will slowly shape into the way you want it to.

Thanks for reading, I hope you found this helpful.

Until next time

Be Love

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