5 Tricks to Help You Think With A Clear Mind

The best decisions are made when you’re in the right state.

How to make good decisions, growth mindset, how to be great, self-improvement blog, best self-help advice

You make terrible decisions and tend to overreact when you are flustered, upset or simply in the wrong state of mind.

We’ve all been in one of these situations, a few minutes or hours past, you’ve calmed down and are left wondering why you made such a bad decision.

Thinking and acting when you’re in a bad state will lead to your downfall.

That’s why today, I’m going to give you 5 tricks to help you think with a clear mind.

1. Stay organized

You may not realize it (if you’re disorganized), but having a disorganized space, schedule or life in general will make your mind also disorganized.

If your life is organized, scheduled into routine and clean, then your mind will have the ability to think much clearer.

That means you should:

  • Make your bed

  • Clean your desk

  • Create healthy routines

  • Use a calendar to time block tasks

  • Review your life weekly to optimize for clarity

These are basic practices that if done properly will change your life.

A fair warning though, once you begin to be organized and get used to it, it’ll be impossible and painful to be anything but.

2. Improve your sleep

You know when you see a baby crying and you immediately think, “Oh, that baby needs some sleep… it’s tired.”

Well, when you’re tired, you may not visibly be crying, but your mind and body are.

You need rest to function properly and optimally whether you believe it or not.

Good sleep is considered by many to be the most important factor in one’s good health. 

Bad sleep will lead to you:

  • Overreacting

  • Underreacting

  • Making bad decisions

  • Being more emotional

  • Underperforming physically and mentally

  • Having worse health in every way you can imagine

If you want to be able to think with a clear mind, start by getting a good sleep regularly.

3. Lower your stress levels

High stress levels can negatively affect your ability to pay attention, remember important facts, concentrate, process information, and retain important information, amongst a whole list of other things.

I know I don’t need to tell you this because you obviously don’t like being stressed.

The good news is, the best ways to lower your stress are pretty obvious, and have numerous other health benefits too!

  • Get proper sleep

  • Jump in the sauna

  • Go see a therapist

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Maintain a healthy diet

  • Workout on a regular basis

It’s time to take action and do exactly what you know you should be doing!

Thinking with a clear mind will pay off in more ways than you can imagine.

4. Eat well

I’ll simplify this the best I can… Bad foods lead to inflammation and worsen symptoms of mood disorders such as depression.

Eat well, and your brain will function well.

But, what does eating well mean?

Again, I will simply this.

Cut out refined sugars and processed foods. This is the best way to stop eating badly.

Okay fine, I’ll make it even easier.

Stop eating at McDonald's (and other fast food places) and getting snacks from 7/11 (or Walmart), and start buying vegetables and quality meats.

Not only will your brain function better, allowing you to think clearly, but your whole body will thank you.

I mean, living an extra 5, 10 or 20 years is pretty nice too.

5. Take less on

Your mind will never be clear if you have way too much going on. This is something very difficult for most people because they feel as if they should be busy at all times.

In reality, you will get a lot more done, if you take less on.

Narrow your focus, and not only will you think with a clearer mind, but you will also be more productive.

You need to decide what your priorities are, and then take on the 1-3 most important priorities each day.

You don’t want a to-do list with 100 things on it because your mind will be everywhere.

Take less on and you’ll be able to think with a clearer mind.


The advantages of having a clear mind are evident. You’ll make better decisions, be more productive, have less stress and be happier.

Those benefits compound over your lifetime which leads to your life improving at a rate which is hard to imagine at first.

But, after prioritizing having a clear mind for a few months, you’ll know exactly what I mean!

Give it a shot and see what happens.

Thanks for reading!

Be love


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