5 Simple Tricks to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

How to have energy all day and Steve Jobs-like focus.

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The biggest complaint of the majority of people in this world on a daily basis has to be “I’m tired”.

Over and over again we hear our co-workers, friends and family use this as an excuse as to why they’re not feeling themselves or didn’t get something done. They look to find a coffee to help, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t quite do it.

Since everyone is feeling tired all the time, and I have an obsession with productivity… I decided to try to find the best ways to cut fatigue and boost focus.

Here are 5 simple tricks to stop feeling tired all the time.

Eat healthily

You are what you eat. Literally.

Since the day you were born, you were putting things in your mouth. Some of those things you peed or pooped out and the rest of it stayed in your body and helped you grow.

Now today, you are a combination of all those things. Some of it bad, and some of it good.

All those bad things you ate, well, they’re not helping you stay awake.

If you’re feeling tired all the time maybe it’s time to cut out some of the food that’s bad for you and replace it with healthy foods. 

I won’t give you a whole meal plan, but here are a few suggestions to help you out.

Cut out:

  • White bread

  • Candy (high-sugar foods)

  • Ultra-processed foods

  • Fast foods

  • Alcohol

Foods to eat instead:

  • Water

  • Fruits

  • Oatmeal

  • Almonds

  • Beans

  • Dark chocolate

  • Lean proteins (fish, chicken)

By fixing what you digest, you will feel far less tired, and be far more focused!

Workout regularly / lose weight

This may sound rude to some… but maybe you are tired all the time because you’re carrying an extra 80 pounds on you?

I know if I had an 80-pound vest on me all day, I would be exhausted.

Okay, so maybe you need to lose weight. That’s okay! You’ve identified the problem, now let’s do something about it.

First, follow the step above and cut out bad foods, and replace them with good foods.

Next, you need to start working out.

Working out regularly increases your muscle strength and endurance. It also sends oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work efficiently.

You don’t even need to start hard. If you’ve never worked out before, start by going for long walks. Better yet, get a trainer if you can afford it.

Anything helps!

As your overall health improves, you will get more energy, and you will not regret it.

Working out and losing weight could definitely be the change you are looking for!

Quit the bad habits

One of the best things I’ve ever done in order to feel healthier is to quit drinking alcohol. It gave me more energy, helped me stay focused for longer and lower my brain fog dramatically.

While alcohol is the most common bad habit that will help, there are other ones that you might need to quit too!

We all have bad habits, and most of us know what they are. By taking charge and quitting these bad habits, you will feel far better, and be more energetic.

You know what you need to do!

Reduce stress

If you are constantly stressed, it takes a toll on your body. Not just mentally, but physically too.

Physically, it can lead to health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It can also cause physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and changes in body weight.

Mentally, it can lead to fatigue. It's difficult to feel energetic when you're mentally drained. High-stress levels can also disrupt your sleep patterns!

On top of all this, stress also weakens your immune system, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that getting sick does not help your energy levels.

Lower your stress levels and you’ll be sure to gain more energy.

Here are a few suggestions to help you lower your stress levels:

Get sleep

Calling Dr. Obvious! If you are tired all the time, you might just need more sleep.

You might be overworked, and only have the time to get 5 hours of sleep a night. I get it, I’ve been there.

But, something to consider is that perhaps during the hours you are awake, you are not working as efficiently because you are tired. Getting those extra 2-3 hours of sleep might actually make you get more done, not less.

There could be other reasons you are not getting enough sleep though. A lot of those reasons could be related to other points… eating poorly, being stressed, etc.

Here are a few random tips to help you sleep better:

  • Meditate before sleeping

  • Don’t eat for 2 hours before bed

  • Stay off your phone for an hour before bed

  • Don’t have caffeine for 8-12 hours before bed

  • Keep your bedroom for only sleep. No reading, no watching tv, no doing work… nothing else but sleep.

Matthew Walker, PhD (The sleep diplomat) says that the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life span will be. There is a direct correlation.

Get your sleep. This should be a priority.


Being tired all the time can have a huge impact on our lives. It affects productivity, lowers the enjoyment of our waking hours, and even shortens our lifespan. 

Look at some of the most successful individuals in the world, such as Tim Ferriss, Serena Williams, Richard Branson, and Tony Robbins

They are known for their endless energy and constant drive. Their successes serve as a testament to the importance of maintaining high energy levels.

If we want to live a good life, it is key to take measures to boost our energy levels and combat fatigue.

What are some things you have incorporated into your daily life to combat fatigue and maximize productivity? Share your secrets and tips in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

Be love

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