5 Key Reasons Naval Ravikant Should Be Your Role Model
Idolize those who are happy.
Naval as seen on navalalmanack.com
It’s so easy to say Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, or Oprah is your role model.
Typically when we pick our role models, we look at the field we want to excel and jump on board to follow the best.
But that might not be the best way to find happiness in your life.
When you’re picking a role model, you not only want to pick one who is successful at their craft. You also want to pick one who has a high level of happiness in all areas of life.
That’s exactly why Naval Ravikant is the perfect role model.
Entrepreneurial Success
Most people want financial freedom. An excess of wealth is on 99% of people's lists of what they want. Naval Ravikant has that, but he’s achieved it in an admirable way.
He’s best known as the cofounder of AngelList.
Through AngelList and numerous fantastic investments, he’s been able to create enough wealth that he can now pick and choose what he wants to work on, and when.
Naval does not keep a calendar because he does not have to and to me, that’s true entrepreneurial success.
It’s not only that he accumulated wealth and freedom though. He also knew when enough was enough.
And now, he can focus on what matters most to him.
Wisdom and Insight
“Don’t take yourself so seriously. You’re just a monkey with a plan.”
Navalism is a thing.
Navalism is what people call Naval’s philosophy. Let’s be honest here… anyone who has an “ism” named after them has had a significant impact on people.
His wisdom stretches far and wide. He’s most commonly known for his wisdom in philosophy, happiness, wealth, and epistemology.
Personally, I constantly look forward to new content by him, just another podcast appearance to hear more of his wisdom.
Naval has accumulated a lot of wisdom from the books he reads. He encourages reading over listening because he can read and comprehend 5x faster than he can listen.
On top of that, he encourages reading the same books over and over again so you can have a greater understanding.
His reading list includes philosophy from all cultures, books on physics and a wide array of spiritual books. He has not only read these books, but he understands them in a way that he can combine beliefs and apply them to everyday life.
This has allowed him to create and share philosophies on how to get rich, and how to be happy.
If you want to gain wisdom like Naval, you should check out his reading list.
Family Values
Naval knew when enough was enough. He’s said that now, he can make enough money just by making a phone call. Now, with the rest of his time, he can spend it doing what he loves, and with who matters most to him, his family.
That is truly admirable.
Something I like doing is listening to what advice the elderly have for young people like myself. Quite often it’s that they wish they spent more time with family.
It’s important to not get too caught up in the money game and spend time where it matters too.
Naval often preaches that you should work like a lion. You work hard on the hunt, to earn your money, and then you take the time to relax until you need to hunt again.
That time relaxing, spend it with your family. That’s what Naval does, and it’s completely logical.
Naval is as authentic as it gets.
He shares his opinion whether it will be agreed upon by many or not, as long as he truly believes it.
Naval openly talks about where he’s failed, and where he’s succeeded. He’s not afraid of sharing any of his success secrets either.
The fact that he barely puts out content just shows that he won’t say anything unless he’s put real thought behind it.
His authenticity means you can hold him to his word.
That’s something money can’t buy.
The most important thing in life is to create happiness. True happiness comes from being content with every area in your life - finding balance.
As you can see from what I listed above, Naval has found great balance in his life. He got the money he needed, he built a family he loves, and he is himself outright. Naval even takes the time to share the wisdom he has gained with others, even though he’s still continuously learning.
He is a still student, while being a teacher.
Through the balance Naval has found, he has also found peace.
What more could you ask for?
Which would you prefer… to be the best soccer player in the world or to be truly happy in all areas of life?
For myself, I found that someone who is well-balanced in all areas of life is the best kind of person to idolize.
Naval has gained entrepreneurial success, timeless wisdom, and family values. He’s truly authentic and has found a way to balance it all perfectly.
That’s why Naval is my role model, and that’s why I recommend him to be yours as well.
Thanks for reading.
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