Who Is Nik Alokin And Where Did He Go?

The End Of An Era

self improvement, growth mindset, self love, love yourself, life hacks, entrepreneur tips, self love advice

To this day, I still have people who think that Alokin is my real last name and it’s pretty funny. I feel like that means that the creation of that brand was semi-successful.

So who was Nik Alokin?

It’s really not that complicated and when people hear the story, their response is usually “ohhhhhh”.

In 2013, I had to undergo a rebrand. I was trying to become a DJ and my name was DJ Brownsugar. 

That’s right. It’s because I was sweet and brown.

Anyways, I needed to rebrand myself to something that suited the music I wanted to play more of (EDM). My first train of thought was “What is something that sounds similar to Tiesto?”

So we got 6 letters and a word that most don’t understand. 

Long story short, Alokin is my first name backwards (Nikola) and that’s how I became DJ Alokin.

For years I played as DJ Alokin, but as I grew as a club promoter, I was making more money than when I DJ’d… so I stopped DJing. 

The issue I faced was everyone knew me as DJ Alokin, but I had a great solution.

I changed my social handles from @djalokin to @nikalokin. Now, people would know I was still the same person, just that I was not DJing anymore.

For years I went as Nik Alokin. People thought that was my real last name, and for me that made it even better because Maharajh is a way harder last name to pronounce. 

Not to mention many people are racist and don’t like hearing a last name like Maharajh (more on that in a different blog).

Nik Alokin lasted about 8 years. It was only a few months ago that I decided to change my social handles and let people know what my real last name is. 

When I decided I was going to launch my blog, I change my name to @nowwithnik.

Now With Nik has a pretty simple explanation. I am Nik, I live in the now, and I want to encourage others to as well.

Nik Alokin is no more. Now, I am proud of my last name and will continue to inform people that it is my real last name.

With the end of Nik Alokin, comes the end of an era.

I’m no longer a party promoter, I’m no longer a DJ. 

I am Nikola Maharajh. I’m half French and half Trinidadian.

My mom named me “Nikola” because she wanted people who speak English to pronounce the name “Nicholas” the way French people pronounce it.

I know, I know, it would be a lot cooler if I was named after Nikola Tesla. 

Then we have my last name, Maharajh.

In Hindi, it means “Great King”. Pretty awesome last name if you ask me.

If you’re wondering why I didn’t take the take @nikolamaharajh, it’s because I didn’t want to make it hard for people to type. On the bright side, if you go to www.nikolamaharajh.com, it redirects you to my website.


Thanks to everyone who has supported me with the “rebrand”.

Until next time,

Be Love

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