This Simple Life Hack Helps Successful People Win

The extra time you’ve been asking for is right in front of you.

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Why does no one seem to have enough time to do the extra things that would help them get ahead?

This answer is more obvious than you are making it out to be.

You have 8 hours of daily screen time and you’re trying to stay up to date with every reality show on Netflix, but you’re still wondering where your time is going…

You have your priorities in the wrong order.

That’s all there is to it.

For years, I always wondered why I never had enough time to take on more work or try new things. That changed when I discovered the most obvious life hack.

I turned off my screens and turned on my brain.

Your TV is the devil

The average American is watching close to 3 hours of TV a day. That’s disgusting.

That’s half of a full-time job every week (3x7=21).

I could borderline end the article right there because my point has been made… but I’m going to tell you a little more to drive the point home.

Some of you are watching TV while you do work, read, or whatever, but the truth is that you are unable to multitask. So, while you feel that you are still being productive, you’re not.

You’re taking away from your TV experience while killing your productivity. You’re killing two birds with one stone in the worst way possible.

This is the part when most people would tell you to not feel guilty. After all, everyone does it!

It doesn’t matter if others do it too… You should feel guilty!

You’re wasting your life away watching and staring at a screen instead of building something that could change your life and the lives of those around you.

It’s true, that might not interest you.

But, you could just spend genuine time with your loved ones instead.

TV is sucking up your precious time and you know it.

If you want to get ahead in life and find success… TURN OFF THE DAMN TV.

Your phone wants your attention

Want to know something else that’s gross?

The average person has over 3 hours of screen time on their cell phone. That means that between the TV and your phone, you are working an extra full-time job every week.

Yes, I know, some of you might be working from your phone, but you see what I’m getting at.

Your screens are occupying too much of your time.

Don’t worry, I’m not innocent over here.

I used to have over 12 hours a day of screen time. I’ve slowly been lowering it, but I’m still between 4-5 hours a day including my work. 

So, as much as this article is to help you snap out of it, it also serves as a reminder that I need to continue working on this problem.

Our phones’ ultimate goal is to get us to spend more time using them.

While Mark Zuckerberg yells at us to open Facebook because Paula has sent us an invite to her birthday party, and Elon wants to let you know about the Cybertruck, it is up to you to tell them no.

Tell them no because you have a life of your own that needs attention.

I have successfully lowered how much TV I watch a week to under 2 hours, and I’ve lowered my phone screen time by 7 hours a day.

I invite you to take action and do the same thing.

The results

Since I started focusing on lowering my screen time, I have found that I have more time to do productive things that I wasn’t able to do before.

In the time that I would have been watching TV or scrolling on social media, I am now working on my businesses. 

I was able to start 3 new businesses over the course of 12 months – 2 of them failed, but I at least had the time to take a shot (33% isn’t bad!).

Additionally, I am reading 3x more books than I was before, have more time to spend with my girlfriend, and have started playing chess daily (which I love).

My favorite part though is that I have time to let my mind wander. When your mind is occupied with screens, it has the chance to explore itself and come up with creative ideas.

What I’m getting at is… I have freed my mind and you should too.

Closing remarks

There is more to life than Netflix, YouTube and TikTok. Yes, they’re entertaining, but they’re distracting you from what is most important.

I do have one alternative I can suggest to you.

It could change your life.

Instead of spending hours consuming content, spend the same time creating it. See what happens.

If you gain a few thousand followers, create a voice for yourself and even make some money… wouldn’t that be great?

Mindlessly consuming content though, now, that is the worst thing you can do.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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