The Pleasure Prescription By Paul Pearsall, PH.D.  - A 300-Word Book Review

A 300-Word Book Review

The Pleasure Prescription by Paul Pearsall, PH.D.

To Love, to Work, to Play - Life in the Balance

Rating: 7/10
Pages: 232
Time To Finish:1 week
Where To Purchase: Amazon

What’s It About?

In The Pleasure Prescription, Paul goes over research that lines up with the ways of the Polynesian cultures. The latest research shows that a lot of their ways are good for your emotional and physical health.

This book shares many important values and ways of life that you can incorporate to increase your overall happiness. These values can be applied in your relationships, personal and family. 

My Favorite Parts

Dr. Pearsall shares many tests that you can do to go over how healthy your family is, as well as your relationships. I found these as a great way to reflect on my life and find ways to adjust slightly.

Another thing he shares is “this too shall pass”. 

I actually already heard Tom Hanks talk about something similar in an interview. 

Essentially they’re saying that anything bad shall eventually pass, but also anything good. 

I like this way of looking at life because it’s a reminder that everything is temporary - our problems are temporary and our joys are. We just have to keep living life the best we can, no matter what happens

Who Should Read It

In my opinion, this book is best for those with young families. It teaches a lot of great values that you can apply to your family life and instill in children.

Additional Thoughts

I almost didn’t finish this book. 

It started decently as it shared a lot about the Polynesian cultures which I found interesting, but as it went on, I found it harder to read and felt like it dragged on too much. 

I wouldn’t have finished it if the new books I had ordered had arrived. 

I am glad I did though.

After getting past the halfway mark, it got a lot more interesting and I was hooked. It just continued to get better and better from there.

Paul Pearsall, Polynesian Culture, How To Balance Life, Book Review, self improvement, growth mindset, Self-Help book

If you’ve read this book and have any thoughts to add, please comment below!

Until next time,

Be Love

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