This Article is Designed to Make You Happy

You look like you could use some good news.

positive news, how to improve your mood, self-improvement tips, personal development advice, growth mindset for entrepreneurs

Negativity rules today’s media and as a result, your life too.

While scrolling through trending headlines, you’ll notice that 100% of them are designed to get a reaction from you.

The majority of those are aiming to get a negative reaction from you.


Because if you react negatively, you are more likely to get you to click their article, instead of the other 1000.

They’ll attempt to make you scared, angry or sad to produce that negative emotion.

This article is different though.

The sole purpose of this article is to make you happy. After all, you look like you could use some positivity.

Animals that will make you smile

There is a good reason why cat videos are consistently some of the most viewed videos on YouTube. They make people smile.

Animals in general, whether monkeys, bears, dogs or cows, make people smile.

That’s why the best way to start a happy article is with cute animals.

happy bear, how to improve your mood, self-improvement tips, personal development advice, growth mindset for entrepreneurs

Take a second to observe how fluffy this bear is. I could only imagine how comfy it would be to cuddle with him.

I bet he gives great hugs.

happy monkey, how to improve your mood, self-improvement tips, personal development advice, growth mindset for entrepreneurs

Aside from the fact that this monkey is cute and surprised… Look at how cool her eyes look. What an incredible animal!

Okay, now that I have you warmed up, let’s move to something positive that happened recently.

Pssst. I have good news for you!

New cancer test

There has been a new study completed in an effort to identify early-stage cancer in patients. In this study, the new test identified 93% of stage one cancers in men and 84% in women.

Don’t celebrate too soon though. Only 440 people took part in the trial.

However, this is still great news and a great start to what could be a game-changer in cancer testing!

The murder rate is dropping!

Using the data from over 175 cities in the US, we can see that the murder rate has plummeted by 12.8% in 2023.

  • 11.42% in New York

  • 15.45% in Los Angeles

  • 12.7% in Chicago

This is quite interesting because if you were to simply watch headlines all day, you would tend to believe crime has skyrocketed.

Seeing the murder rate drop is encouraging. Let’s hope trends keep going in this direction!

South Africa’s elephants are making a comeback!

For the past 25 years, South Africa’s elephant population has continued to rise. 

It’s a small amount at 0.16%, but if you take into consideration that poachers are always coming after elephants… having any gain is great!

When you see elephants in person, it is hard not to fall in love with them! They’re magnificent creatures.

happy elephant, how to improve your mood, self-improvement tips, personal development advice, growth mindset for entrepreneurs

Photo by Nam Anh on Unsplash

This is why you should remain optimistic

While everyone around is lost in doomsday theories, screaming from the rooftops about AI taking over the world or World War 3, you need to remember that you do not need to buy into it.

Throughout human civilization, we have continuously proven to be capable of making great things happen.

When things start to go wrong, humans create new knowledge through creativity and error correction that allows us to push forward stronger than ever - regardless of the threats we’ve faced.

If you zoom out to a larger time scale, the poverty levels have dropped and humans live a more luxurious lifestyle than ever. The majority of us have access to clean water, the ultimate source of knowledge (the internet), and food.

On top of that, we have medical breakthroughs happening annually, new technological advances that promise to bring more abundance and convenience, and beautiful music and art being created.

That’s the macro though. What about your life?

Since you’re reading this, chances are you have a warm roof over your head, all if not the majority of your senses, are relatively healthy and have a good chance of living to 100.

Life is not as negative as the media makes it out to be.

You’ll realize it as soon as you turn it off.


I have seen it firsthand - People close to me who’ve become so surrounded by negative media that they believe the world itself is burning to the ground.

They don’t realize that the large majority of people have a good heart, that we are working together to improve the world and that every day positive things are happening everywhere.

You can either get lost in the negativity or take the time to open your eyes and notice that the world is improving.

Thanks for reading.

Be love


This Article is Designed to Piss You Off


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