10 Excuses You’re Making That Will Make You Live Life in Regret

10 Excuses You’re Making That Will Make You Live Life in Regret

Constantly making excuses is one of the biggest reasons people do not achieve their goals. Excuses are common though. By acknowledging that were are making excuses, we can more easily stop, and start moving toward the life we desire.

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11 Reasons To Work - Find Motivation
Career, Work, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh Career, Work, self-improvement Nikola Maharajh

11 Reasons To Work - Find Motivation

Work is a necessary part of our lives. We as humans literally have trouble living without work. Some studies show that you live longer if you retire at a later age. Humans need something to do.

It’s more than just a means to make a living - it’s a pathway to personal growth, fulfillment and social contribution.

Find out the best reasons to work in the blog post.

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