Shoe Dog By Phil Knight - A 300-Word Book Review

A 300-Word Book Review

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

A memoir by the creator of Nike

Rating: 9/10
Pages: 386
Time To Finish:1 week
Where To Purchase: Amazon

What’s It About?

Shoe Dog is the story of Nike as written by Phil Knight, the creator of Nike. 

The story starts from the beginning when Phil travels the world. He was a man of many trades who ended up getting shoes made in Japan. At first, the shoes were not designed by him, and they were not Nikes. 

It goes through how he started his first brand and transitioned into Nike.

My Favorite Parts

Phil stays true to himself, what he knows, and what he felt he deserves. Phil very rarely backed down, and he showed that time and time again.

I also love how Phil is a face-to-face person. Often times he ran into issues and flew across the ocean to meet with his manufacturers in person to deal with them. Sometimes problems can’t be fixed over the phone. 

This made me realize what I must do with the businesses I am building.

Who Should Read It

This book is perfect for any entrepreneur getting ready, or already in the middle of a long journey. 

Phil’s success doesn’t happen overnight. The amount of problems he ran into over the years, the different solutions he came up with, and the number of times he was close to losing it all, is truly inspirational. 

This book will help wake up the young businessperson who thinks the journey is easy.

Additional Thoughts

One of the most common themes I’ve seen in successful people is that they’re well-travelled. 

Apple & Nike both went public the same week, at the same price. 

Steve Jobs and Phil Knight were both heavily inspired by Japan, and both travelled the world. 

When you travel, you get to see cultures, learn from them, and see what works in other areas of the world. There are so many more people to meet and learn from than just those in your community.

The more you experience, the better you’ll become at making decisions.

I feel like this book shows that yet again, travelling and experiencing culture when you’re young is smart as an entrepreneur.

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, Shoe Dog Book, Nike book, book review, Self-improvement book, growth mindset

If you’ve read this book and have any thoughts to add, please comment below!

Until next time

Be Love

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