If I Was to Die Tomorrow, This is What I’d Want You To Know

All we can do is our best

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Every single one of us from the day we were born has faced the same reality…

We can die at any point.

It might not be this second, and it might not be this year, but we will all die.

We don’t know what happens next either and for that reason, we should make the best of whatever amount of time we have left.

While mortality might scare you, it excites me.

It is this uncertainty that makes life amazing.

Faced with the reality of my inevitable and unpredictable death, I decided to share with you what I would want you to know if I were to die tomorrow.

I’ve always done what I believe is best, and so have you

At no point in my life have I willingly made a decision which I believed was bad for me or others.

Sure, occasionally I made the decision to drink a little more liquor expecting it to result in a fun night, full-on knowing that I would feel worse the following day.

But, I thought the fun would be worth it.

I’ve also made decisions which I knew would be unfortunate for one person, but better for the masses.

At the end of the day though, every decision I have ever made I’ve always figured it would be better for more people than it hurt.

I believe everyone is like that too.

We make decisions to either better our lives or the lives of others. In the best-case scenario, both.

We always do what we believe is best.

This means the majority of people have good intentions.

We want good for the world, what is best for others, and everyone to be happy.

Even the worst of people still make their decisions because they believe that is what is best. Whether their morals are in the right place or not does not change their intentions.

If you had been raised the way they were raised, in their environment, culture, parents, time, and so on, you would be making the same decisions too.

People are good and it gives me hope.

Money is a tool

My mind has been set on making as much money as possible for years. This sometimes comes off as me seeming completely money-hungry.

I want to make it clear, I want to accumulate money so I can because it is a useful tool.

The main reason I desire money is to buy myself freedom. The freedom to do what I want, when I want, sounds amazing.

Instead of dreaming about escaping to Bora Bora for a month, I could do it immediately.

Instead of dreaming of being able to read, write, think and play chess all day, I could just do it.

And, instead of seeing people suffer without the power of being able to do anything, I could help.

Money is a tool which can help you do what you want to do.

That is how I view it and that is why accumulating it is important.

Seek the truth, not victory

One of the best phrases I’ve ever heard is, “Strong opinions, loosely held.”

Far too often, I see people who will never back down from what they believe in no matter how wrong they are.

A weak mind is not ready to be wrong.

A strong mind is searching for the truth.

It’s great to hold strong opinions. The more you learn, the stronger your opinion may become.

But, you have to be ready to be wrong.

If the facts change, you have to be ready to accept a different truth.

Most people cannot do this. It doesn’t matter how wrong they are and how many opposing facts they learn, they will not back down. They cannot handle being wrong.

I’ve been in this camp many times only to later reflect and realize I was holding weak opinions strongly.

This is what happens when you have a weak mind.

Being wrong doesn’t make you dumb. 

Being unable to accept you are wrong, does.

To grow your knowledge and to find the truth, you need to let go of the idea of winning arguments and accept the idea that you might be wrong.

You need to hold strong opinions, loosely.

There is always hope

The same is true for me, as it is for anyone else. The truth is often when you are at your lowest point, your highest follows shortly after.

The opposite is also true.

It can be easy to lose hope when you are down. The further you drop, the harder it appears to be to get back up.

The thing is, we don’t know the future, and the knowledge we have of the present is slim too.

Opportunities come out of nothing. 

Change can happen instantly.

For these reasons, there is always hope.

When your money runs out, a new business opportunity comes and everything changes. 

When you are heartbroken, you meet the love of your life and wonder what you ever did before.

When you feel alone, you find a new friend and an amazing bond is formed.

These newfound changes only happen if you keep moving though.

When you lose hope, when you stop trying, when you stop moving forward, positive change stops happening.

So, when all feels lost, keep moving forward.

I love, love

I can whole-heartedly say, I have some level of love for everyone I meet. 

Something I’ve always done when meeting someone is to look for the couple of things I admire about them. I have never failed at this.

This little trick has trained me to not only be able to tolerate people I would otherwise detest, but have some level of love for them.

I wish everyone would approach others with this mindset. To be able to love everyone on some level helps you see them as an equal and it helps you make peaceful decisions.

More than just approaching everyone with a loving mindset, I’ve also been intrigued by the concept of love.

When I was 19 years old, I hadn’t said “I love you” to anyone aside from my mom for many years.

I placed tremendous value on the words and didn’t want to say it to anyone. The downside of this was it was depriving me of the feeling.

I ended up having to practice saying the words out loud regularly. This helped me express my feelings and helped love flow out of me freely.

From then on, I said it regularly to my family and friends and have not stopped since.

Yes, this may have resulted in me falling in love too many times, but allowing love to flow through me has led me to the love of my life, who I am with today.

The more comfortable I got with love, the more of it I felt.

This is why I feel comfortable giving love to anyone I meet. This is why I genuinely look for the best in people and almost always find it.

Love is incredible and if I was to be known for anything after I die, I hope it’s that I was not afraid to love.

Closing thoughts

Life is full of ups and downs. It’s a rollercoaster of love, hate, sadness and pleasure and not knowing what is next is what makes it so exciting.

We’ve never known our future and that won’t change anytime soon. The only thing in our power is our ability to make the best of whatever comes to us.

Live your life with principles to make it more enjoyable.

Open your mind to new possibilities because the impossible has happened many times before.

And, lead your life with love because love can never be taken away from you or anyone else.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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