How To Enjoy Twitter In 3 Simple Steps.

Focus Only On Tweets You Like

How I Started Enjoying Elon Musk’s Twitter

Twitter’s been in the news a lot since Elon Musk took over. Some good, some bad, I’ll let you make your own opinion. 

If you ask me, Twitter faded away and was no fun for a long time.

However, it’s back and I love it.

I use Twitter more than every other app combined.

Honestly, I could go on and on about why and how much I love it, but instead, I’ll explain how you can love it too in this quick blog post.

Want to learn to enjoy Twitter?

Well… keep reading!

Step 1: Pick your interests

The same as anything else in life… You’ll enjoy it if it interests you. 

Okay, so what can we do with this valuable information? 

Follow people and businesses who tweet valuable information that interests you. This seems obvious, but a lot of people are still concerned with having a good “follow to following ratio”, 

If you worry too much about your ratio, you won’t last long on Twitter. In order to use it properly and enjoy it, you have to follow what you’re interested in from the start.

Now, add those people or businesses to specific “lists” so you can dive into that interest when you feel like it.

Make a list for each category that might interest you.

For example, I have a list of business influencers and another for local businesses. That way I can focus on what I feel like scrolling through at that moment.

Lists make it easier than ever to filter out the noise.

Twitter, like Tik Tok, also has a “For You” feed. It’ll learn what you like over time and cater your feed to you. 

The first step is quite easy!

Boom! Now you’re almost enjoying Twitter.

Twitter, Elon's Twitter, Elon musk twitter, how to tweet, twitter trending, twitter trends, social media trends

Step 2: Remove what you don’t like (but not too much)

How often do you scroll on your Twitter and read something that bothers you? If you’re like me, probably every time.

You have a few options here.

First of all, if you are following them… stop.

Second of all, if you aren’t following them, mute them or click on the three dots at the top right of the tweet and click “not interested in this tweet”.

This is something you have to be careful with though. You don’t want to end up in an echo chamber. 

Sometimes views opposing yours can be helpful. You want to be able to hear what others think.

With that in mind, if someone retweets porn, maybe don’t follow them. If someone only complains in every tweet, remove that negativity from your life (or feed).

You’ll be happier and…

Boom! Now you’ll enjoy Twitter.

Twitter, Elon's Twitter, Elon musk twitter, how to tweet, twitter trending, twitter trends, social media trends

Step 3:  Treat Twitter the way it should be treated. Follow these rules:

There are a few rules you should follow in order not to get lost in the world of Twitter and in order to maximize your experience. 

Here are some of the rules I follow:

  1. Use it in certain time frames. Like any social media app, you don’t want to be on here all day. Pick specific hours when you know interesting people are tweeting, and go on during those times. You don’t want to open the app every 20 minutes and let it control your life.

  2. Use it as an excuse to learn. In order to make good tweets, you have to talk about things people want to hear, want to laugh at, or want to learn about. AKA be interesting. Use Twitter as an excuse to learn about something interesting so you can talk about it, and jump on threads with others to have productive conversations.

  3. Don’t dive too far into negativity. It’s very easy to get lost in negative threads getting into Twitter arguments that are completely unproductive. Don’t do this. This is a waste of your time and this will only upset you. Trust me.

Treat Twitter the way it should be treated. Use it the way it should be used.

If you do this…

Boom! You’ll enjoy using Twitter!

Twitter, Elon's Twitter, Elon musk twitter, how to tweet, twitter trending, twitter trends, social media trends

If you made it this far, congrats! This means you are interested in making the best of Twitter. Your interest alone will drive you to enjoy it. 

The majority of people who don’t enjoy using Twitter, or stopped using Twitter, did not follow these 3 simple steps. 

Or maybe they just don’t like reading!

Now, your job is to apply these 3 simple steps to your Twitter experience and see what happens!

Bonus Tip: If you get Twitter Blue, then your notifications will pop up at the top of the notifications of people who don’t follow you. That leads to you having many conversations with famous people you may not have been able to talk to otherwise. Works for me!

Hope you enjoyed this!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter!

Have a great day and,

Be Love

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