Ego Is The Enemy By Ryan Holiday - A 300-Word Book Review

The Enemy Of Ambition, Of Success, Of Resilience.

Ryan Holiday Book, self help book, dailystoic, self improvement, book review, Ryan Holiday, growth mindset

Rating: 9/10
Pages: 217
Time To Finish: 4 Days
Where To Purchase: Amazon

What’s It About?

Everything you need to know about the ego, and what you need to be careful of.

This book gives examples of how and when the ego has destroyed people and companies. 

We all know of people whose egos are unbearable. Sometimes, our own ego is unbearable. 

The ego is an enemy we must constantly overcome. Like a dusty floor, when you clean it, eventually it’ll have to be cleaned again. This is a constant battle.

My Favorite Parts

Ryan goes over how the ego will get in the way of you progressing. If your ego is in the way, you won’t continue learning. You’ll think you already know.

To grow continuously, you need to be a student of life. The ego blocks that.

Another important lesson is that the ego will get in the way of you staying on top. If you believe you are the best, and stop improving, you are bound to fall. Your ego will prevent you from listening to others, from being your best and lead you to take credit for things that you do not deserve credit for.

The ego will destroy you.

Who Should Read It

Everyone. Honestly, everyone.

I don’t think there is one person I’ve met who doesn’t let their ego get the best of them from time to time. Overcoming your ego isn’t easy, but this book will help.

Additional Thoughts

Yet again, Ryan Holiday has written an incredible book. 

This book flows as beautifully as his other books and talks about a lesson that everyone needs.

The ego can be a terrible parasite. It can make you intolerable to be around. It can ruin you, and push people away from you.

Overcoming your ego, and living humbly, is one of the most important things you can learn.

Thanks for reading, and until next time,

Be Love

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