An Unconventional Method I Use to Achieve Goals Faster

A contrarian way of taking action that will force you to get things done quickly.

Goal setting tips, productivity hacks, self-improvement newsletter, advice for entrepreneurs, tips for new business owners

By age 26, I had achieved every goal I had set for myself quicker than the timeline I had picked.

Some would argue that my goals were too easy. I would instead argue that after I set those goals, I learned a weird way to force myself to be more productive and hold myself accountable.

First, I set to own a business by 25, and I achieved that goal at the age of 23 when I became one of the owners of a nightclub.

Then, my next goal was to own a Porsche by the time I turned 28. I managed to get one by 25.

Lastly, I set my sights on owning a house by the age of 30, but by 26 I owned 2.

So, how did I achieve my goals years ahead of my targets?

My unconventional method was to speak my goals into existence. If you talk about what you want to happen, it is more likely to happen.

It brings the opportunity to you.

When I was 23, I decided it was time to open a nightclub. I started talking about it to other people in the industry, to family, friends and everyone else who cared to listen.

What ended up happening is that the word got around, and eventually, I met the right person who ended up selling me some of his shares in his nightclub.

I spoke about it so much that the opportunity made its way to me.

If I didn’t “speak it into existence”, then by the time I found my business partner, it likely would have been too late to buy into the club. At least the valuation would have been different.

This wasn’t the first time this happened either.

When I was 22 years old, I wanted to DJ in a nightclub and I talked to everyone about it. Eventually, someone pointed out to me that a nightclub was hiring bussers. They suggested going to the interview and trying to pitch myself as a DJ.

Instead, I got a job as a busser and once I proved myself, I started asking for DJ gigs, and it worked. The opportunity came to me because I started talking about it.

You’ll be held accountable to your word

This is something that most people hate, but I love it. That is because the moment you start talking about what you want to do, or what you will do, people expect you to do it. 

And guess what… if you don’t do it, you’re going to look bad.

Sounds horrible, right?

Well, this is exactly what will help you achieve your goals. 

The fact that you don’t want to look bad will make you work harder than ever, and you will be more likely to find a way to make it work.

This has worked for me time and time again. The best part is though that you will fail!

Sometimes you will talk about something you want to or will achieve, and you won’t succeed. When you don’t succeed people will bring it up, and you will have to learn to move on and keep going.

That lesson is valuable.

Sometimes you gather new information and realize your idea is bad, and other times you just fail to do it. Either way, at least you know that you gave it a real shot.

This is similar to what Elon Musk does, and many people hate it. He announces early timelines to force himself and his employees to work harder and faster. 

This sounds hectic and to be honest, it is! But… it works.

And maybe manifestation is real

I’m not going to go off on a tangent about how The Secret is the best book ever and you should read it… because it is not. However, there has to be something to be said about manifesting things into existence. 

Many people practice manifestation regularly, while others believe it is BS. What we should consider though is the power of belief.

If those who are manifesting believe that their manifesting works, does that not mean they are more likely to make decisions that will lead to their manifestations coming true?

The power of belief and taking action is real whether manifestation is or not.

Simply believing that you are manifesting things into existence means it is more likely to actually happen.

My point is that maybe it is worth giving manifestation a shot.

Closing remarks

By talking about your goals and what you want to achieve, you are not only creating the chance for opportunities to come to you, but you are also holding yourself accountable, and potentially manifesting your goals into existence.

I’ve used this little trick to help myself achieve my goals, and it has worked for years. In fact, it worked so hard that I started having to go bigger, and bigger.

So, while some people will tell you to move in silence, I will say that sometimes the exact opposite is what you should be doing.

Thanks for reading

Be love

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