5 Steps to Help You Get Over a Heartbreak AND Be Happier Than Ever

Curing a broken heart made easy(er)

fix a broken heart, best dating advice, personal development advice, self-improvement tips, entrepreneur stories, mindset

Having a broken heart sucks. 

It is bound to happen to you at one point in your life (if it hasn’t already) and if approached wrong, it can seriously damage your life.

Some people will start eating poorly, stop working out, enter a state of depression, stop talking to friends or family, and the list goes on.

When your relationship ends, it doesn’t have to be the end of you too.

Instead of allowing yourself to collapse, treat it like the start of something new. It’s the perfect opportunity to refine your life.

Follow these 5 steps and you’ll get over your broken heart in no time AND be happier than ever!

1. Spend a day sulking

This may sound counterproductive and different than what you are used to hearing. However, letting yourself feel what you feel is important.

This sadness is perfectly natural and the goal isn’t to ignore it.

The goal is to hate this feeling so that you are committed to doing what it takes to stop feeling this way.

So, for one day, feel all the sadness, eat your tub of ice cream, cry while listening to Lana Del Ray (or whatever sad music you listen to) and watch all those sad movies too.

Just know that tomorrow, you need to stop.

Commit to yourself that after this day, you are no longer allowed to sulk about this heartbreak.

2. Change your routine

You spent the last few months or years with someone and it resulted in your heart getting broken.

Throughout that time, you adjusted your schedule and routine to fit best with your ex. You DO NOT want to stick to that same schedule anymore.

Go through your daily routines, and analyze what parts relied upon them.

If you went to the gym every morning with them, change when you go or find a new gym partner. If you got a ride with them to work, find a new ride.

You are your own person now so create a routine that benefits your life and only your life.

This is a new beginning, make the best of it.

3. Make a strong statement to your friends, family and self

You are a new person. Write down what mistakes you’ve made in your past relationship, where you let yourself down, and write down how you will change that in the future.

You don’t need to share that with your friends and family, but having a conversation about what you wrote can be helpful.

For example, you may not have prioritized your time because you were always compromising for your ex. Now, you will prioritize yourself and no longer let yourself down.

Share that with your friends and family and they’ll likely be happy to support you and encourage you on this journey.

You must also share this with yourself though.

To become a better person, you must understand where you went wrong in the past.

So, when you write down how you will change in the future, leave that paper somewhere visible. I recommend pinning it to your wall so you can see it every day.

4. Instill healthy habits

Now that you’re single, you have a lot of extra time. You spent hours binging Game of Thrones with your ex and listening to them complain about you. 

Spend your new time building good habits.

The best example is to spend your newfound time at the gym. One of the best ways to cure a broken heart is to work it out and build that revenge body.

Not only will your body feel healthier, but your mind will too. Plus, you’ll look great too.

Other good habits could include:

  • Creating an awesome diet

  • Going for regular walks

  • Reading more often

  • Meditating daily

5. Socialize consistently

One of the worst things you can do when you have a broken heart is to go into hiding.

Ignoring your friends and family, not meeting new people and sulking by yourself will only put you in more pain, and make the broken heart last longer.

It will be hard at first, but socializing consistently is the ultimate cure.

As you make new friends and nurture your relationship with the current ones, you become reminded that you are a good person and people like you. 

Your friends love you, and these new people you are meeting love you too. Best of all, you love yourself.

Relationships don’t always work out and it’s too easy to blame yourself after a breakup. You might even feel like no one will ever love you again.

Socializing helps you realize there are plenty of people out there and whether you’re romantically interested in them or not, they’ll still enjoy your company!

That conclusion means that it is just a matter of time before you find someone new – someone who won’t break your heart.

Closing remarks

By following these 5 steps, and staying consistent with the last 2, you will cure your heartbreak in no time.

The ultimate goal is to not let your heartbreak affect the rest of your life. Instead of viewing this as the end of something great, view it as the start of something better.

This is an opportunity for you to become the best version of yourself.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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