5 Activities You Can Do on Weekends Instead of Drinking Alcohol

One of the hardest parts of quitting alcohol is finding other things to do

how to quit drinking alcohol, growth mindset tips, personal development advice, self-improvement blog, mindset matters

Over the last year, I’ve had numerous people tell me they wish they could quit drinking, but they would be bored if they did.

Unfortunately, drinking alcohol has become the default activity when you don’t know what to do.

Especially, on weekends.

I won’t lie, it is fun (I’ve had my fair share). But, there are many other activities you can do instead.

These are 5 activities that I like to do instead of drinking alcohol.

1. Play board games

You loved playing board games as a kid, but somewhere along the way, you stopped. 

Instead, you started drinking vodka, beer and wine, going out to parties and having a grand ole time. 

Playing board games with your friends is underrated.

One of my favourite games is Settlers of Catan, and to be honest, I find it more fun than going out to drink.

But, if we are being honest, people mainly love to drink as a way to socialize. They loosen up and have more fun. 

The thing is, a lot of those drunken conversations are a waste of time and that’s IF you remember them. Sober conversations are much more meaningful.

If you play Catan (or whatever game) with your friends, you have far better conversations, still have fun and can work on your strategy and problem-solving skills.

Not to mention winning and rubbing it in your friends’ faces is always good too.

2. Escape Rooms

If you haven’t tried escape rooms yet, you should do so immediately. 

It’s great to work together with a group to solve all the puzzles that are thrown at you. It’s even more time when you’re racing against others and trying to break the fastest times on the record board.

Essentially, it’s heaven for those of us who are competitive and love group activities.

I’ve seen escape rooms that can take anywhere from 2 to 8 people.

That means escape rooms can be great for dates, staff bonding or just a fun time with friends.

Once again, you have the opportunity to flex your problem-solving skills and get to socialize without drinking.


3. Reading

Reading is not a good replacement for drinking if your goal is to socialize (unless you’re in a book club). However, if you are drinking simply because you have nothing else to do, try reading instead.

Think of all the wasted hours you spent drinking…

Not only the hours you’ve spent consuming but the ones wasted because you are not functioning properly during or after.

If you spent that time reading instead, you would learn and accomplish so much more.

Honestly, you don’t have to read to be productive either. You could read fictional books instead to keep you entertained. It is still better than consuming alcohol.

4. Movie night

Yes, I know. This sounds too basic right off the bat, but you can make this a lot more interesting than ONLY a movie.

For example, plan a night where you go to the movies with your friends, but you all sneak in your own snacks or dress up a certain way.

Better yet, plan it at your house, make a fort like when you were a kid, get all the snacks, get cozy and watch a Lord of the Rings marathon (if you have 9 hours to spare).

You can watch old movies, marathon 10 Fast and Furious movies, or watch something new.

Regardless, alcohol is not required, and it can be a lot of fun.

5. Other activities

There are plenty of other activities that you can find around your city. It all depends on what you’re into and your location.

For example, you may not have Activate in your city. But in Winnipeg, we have it and it’s incredibly fun, great for groups and keeps you active.

A lot of bowling allies will have arcades in them and that can make a great night too.

In my opinion, though, the best activity to replace drinking alcohol with is working out. 

You get to measure your progress and feel healthier and it’s a never-ending game.

Plus, the gym makes it rewarding to lower your alcohol consumption or quit altogether.

Here are a few more random activities:

  • Rock climbing

  • Go carts

  • Activate

  • Bowling

  • Arcade

  • Gym

Closing remarks

Within this list, you are bound to find something to replace drinking alcohol with. The best thing you can do is dive into one of these activities and borderline get addicted to it.

It is better to become a gym rat than to be an alcoholic. Likewise, it is also better to read 4 hours a day instead of drinking 4 hours a day.

If you have any other great activities you’d recommend instead, please share them! I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading

Be love


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