30 Small Tricks On How to Live A Happy Life

Things I wish I knew 10 years ago

best tools for self-improvement, self improvement newsletter, pursuit of happiness, personal growth for a happy life

Once in a while, we are taught little life lessons that light up our minds like a lightbulb. We realize that if only we had known this a while ago, life would have been a lot easier.

For me, the majority of those lightbulb moment lessons revolve around ways that make me live a happier life, and the funny part is, that the happier I become, the more lessons that follow.

I will make this one simple! Just keep on reading for my 30 small tricks for living a happy life.


1. Think positively, no matter how hard it might be.

Positive thinking will get you places. There is something to be said about those who are optimistic. They might be doing the same as others, but they are enjoying it more, and looking forward to the future. 

What else could happiness be about?

2. Surround yourself with great people.

Whether you are at work, or for a night out, being around great people is the difference between a good time and a bad time. Surround yourself with great people and you’ll be much happier, far more often.

3. Don’t ignore those who ask for advice.

There will always be someone who asks for advice. Don’t ignore them. The more knowledge you accumulate and accomplish, the more you should give back. Giving back brings happiness too.

4. Say no more often.

Whenever you say yes to one person, that means you are saying no to another. Learn to say no when you don’t want to do something that way you can say yes to what matters. 

Take back your time, and you’ll be much happier.

5. Say yes quickly.

If you want to do something, say yes. Don’t hesitate, when you know, you know.

6. Just dance.

You might be one of those people standing around the dancefloor wondering if you should join, or if you’ll embarrass yourself.

Just do it. 

This applies to more than just the actual dancefloor. 

Let go and you’ll be happier. Life is a dance, and it’s more fun if you participate.

7. Be curious.

Allow yourself the chance to learn about things you don’t know, and find the desire to do so. Curiosity will create more knowledge and happiness.

8. Own your mistakes

It’s okay to screw up, but when you do, admit it, correct the mistake, and move on.

9. Never stop learning

Be a student of the world. The moment you stop learning is the moment you become an idiot. Find something to learn about, keep learning, and you will keep finding happiness.

10. Practice making decisions quickly.

The faster you make decisions, the less time you waste. Simple as that. The more you practice, the faster you will get. You will not only save time but avoid unnecessary frustration.

11. Find a problem that excites you

Finding a problem that you can work on for a long time and one that you never get sick of, is one way that you can find happiness.

12. Be helpful to many.

The more you help others, the better you will feel, and the better they will feel. Go out of your way to help others and it will help bring you happiness.

13. Spend time with family.

Family is with you for life. They were there in the beginning, and they will be there in the end. Enjoy your time with them and you will not regret it.

14. Remain passionate.

Find passion for many things in life and continue to express it. Those who are passionate give themselves the opportunity to find another level of happiness.

15. Love yourself

You have to live with yourself for your entire life. Learn to love yourself and you will learn to be happy.

16. Eat well.

You are what you eat, so eat well, and you will be filling yourself with happiness.

17. Find a way to stay active by yourself.

Remaining in great shape will help keep you happy. The evidence is there that working out makes you happier. So, find a way that even when you are alone, you can remain active. The gym is an easy go-to.

18. Play a team sport

There isn’t much that is more satisfying than winning a game with a team after a lot of hard physical work. You have to work together and it makes it that much better. Playing team sports gives you a different kind of happiness and fulfillment.

19. Get a good night's sleep.

Some say sleep is the most important thing required to live a healthy life. As someone who got 3-hour sleeps for months, and 8-hour sleeps for months, I can attest that you will be much happier if you just get a good night's sleep.

20. Meditate often

Meditation is how you get to know yourself, love yourself, and find peace in the moment. Meditation will make you happy.

21. Don’t forget the cold showers

Want to shoot dopamine through your system? Cold showers will do just that. The moment you come out of that shower you will feel far happier. The more you do it, the happier you will feel.

22. Love first

Pick love first every time. Ask yourself, “what would love do?” before acting, and you will live a happier life.

23. Decide who you want to be

You can be whoever, or whatever you want to be. You just have to make that decision. Once you do, you will naturally begin to take the steps to become that person. This journey will help bring you happiness.

24. Explore the world

Don’t just stay in your city. Although our planet is small in the grand scheme of things, it’s also really big. There is so much to explore; the more you explore, the happier you will be. Every culture can offer you something different.

25. Accept differences

Everyone is different. Accept that so you can stop assuming that people should, or will, act the same way that you do. You’ll be much happier knowing these differences aren’t in your control.

26. See the best in people

I’ve met people I don’t like. Quite a few actually. Yet, I have always found something in each person that I admire. By focusing on the best in people, you can enjoy the company of anyone from time to time.

27. “This too shall pass”

Is something bad happening to you? Well, this shall pass. 

Is something good happening? This too shall pass. 

This is a universal rule. Everything passes, no matter how good or bad.

28. Stay in routine

Keeping a good routine is one of the best ways to add order to your life. This order helps you do the right things when you have to. This is one of the greatest tricks to live a happy life.

29. Give yourself the time to be stupid

You don’t have to be serious all the time, and you can do some stupid things from time to time. Put time aside when you allow yourself to be a little stupid.

30. Breathe

Not sure why everyone forgets the most fundamental rule… Just take a deep breath. It’ll all be okay.


There are many little tricks throughout life that you’ll learn in order to live a happy life. These are my top 30.

Whether you need frameworks on how to live your life, or mottos to live by, it’s all here.

Just remember that everyone’s life is different. All you must do is keep experimenting with what makes you happy. Try my tricks, try the other guy’s tricks, and try your own.

We can all live a happy life.

Thanks for reading

Be love.

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